I'm throwing together this quick house post now - because I've been promising for a while now & have had NO time. And because I know in a couple of days I'll have a super fun fifth birthday post to share about Miss Natalie. So here it is in my post-night shift stupor! (Good Lord what would I do without Dunkin pumpkin coffee!)
So, house stuff. Honestly, not as much to update as I would hope. Mathew went back to work about a month ago - turns out if you just work on your house for two years instead of earning any income, you tend to run out of money! ;). He's jumped in to that full force, in typical Mathew style, and has really enjoyed productivity again. I'm glad he's happy & that we may have a bit of relief on the horizon soon from our chronically empty bank accounts, but as much as he wishes it weren't so, it's impossible for him to be in two places at once! So now we have this catch 22 situation: we can't keep fixing up the house without money... But we can't fix the house while he's always out earning it! Sigh. It'll get there eventually. It'll just be a slower process even than it has been so far. (He'll try to tell you otherwise, but we both know better). He does get there when he can. A few hours here & there.
Having said all that though, it seems that his regained confidence has helped him be so much more productive when he is able to be there. Almost all of the electrical wire is pulled throughout the house. We just need outlets & switches (details, people! ;)).
Someday this will be our room. You can see the wiring done at least :) |
He's got the radiant heat placed in two rooms & is working on flowing the tubing through the ceiling for the upstairs.
Heating through the mud room |
Heat in the weight room |
Heat going in on the ceiling for the upstairs. See why it's such a PITA?? |
And! A couple of weeks ago I got to be there for a really big step: concrete! (Which means I stood there and took pictures while the guys got dirty & did all the work. I'm so helpful. ;)) The back room, which will become our weight room, and the side porch (four seasons room... mud room... porch... I can't decide what to call it...) both needed a *major* overhaul. They've had dirt floors this whole time. Well they were built up with sand over the summer, & a couple of weeks ago, after the heat was installed, the concrete was poured! Floors! What a novel idea! ;). Before long they'll be tiled, but for now that's pretty huge.
Mud room... Done! |
Weight room has never looked this nice! :) |
I'm not going to go over the list of what still needs to be done to be at our move-in point. It's long & depressing. But we'll get there. And once we start checking off the list it *should* go fairly quickly from there. Time will tell. Some day we'll look back on this whole ordeal & just laugh at what crazy people we were. ;) In the mean time, forgive me as I whine a little.
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