Where does the time go? My little preemie baby who was just over 5 lbs when he was born is now almost as tall as me & has officially reached double digits. How does that happen!?!?!
We celebrated last weekend by having a few friends join us at The Pump House at Jay Peak. If you live here & have never been, GO! And if you ever plan a visit to Vermont, add that to your "to-do" list for sure. SO. MUCH. FUN!! Plus, it really helped that Gavin's birthday lands on an off-peak date & it was a Sunday afternoon, because we pretty much had the whole water park to ourselves. ;) The kids, and the grown-ups too, had a great time!! We rented a cabana for the day & just totally let loose!
Gavin with his buddies Gabe & Carter. Does this place look totally cool or what! |
Lazy river fun! |
Matt & our family friend Maurice |
Natalie & me :) |
There's this really awesome wave thing they have there where you can either surf or boogie board. (It must be cool, 'cause they make you sign a waiver to use it. ;) lol) Anyway, each of the boys took a turn & thought it was pretty "wicked awesome." ;) Poor Gavin was a little too light for it though I think, because he was just flying all over that thing... even lost his shorts a couple of times! lol But it was pretty entertaining to say the least. Wish I videotaped that one!
Gavin flying off, Mark rockin' it, and Gabe & Carter showing off their mad skills ;) |
There's also a pool complete with a rock wall for climbing. (Who doesn't have that, right?) ;) Gabe loved that one.
Made it to the top! Mrs.G! Take my picture! ;) |
And let's not forget the tubes! Super fun. The boys loved those, and they talked us into going down a few too.
But the best one is called "La Chute." It's a straight down drop where they put you in this capsule & the floor drops out from underneath you (holy crap!). Then in a matter of 6 seconds at 45 mph you make it all the way to the bottom with an almost 90 degree loop up in the middle. In.Sane. But they all talked us grown ups into doing it. (You've gotta meet a height/weight requirement to go. The only one who met it is Mark & he chickened out at the last second. Maybe next time!). It was really fun though. Even Maurice went. Twice! :)
Oh. My. Gawd. |
We also made some time for some relaxing in the hot tub.
And let's not forget cake & present time!
Gav opted for a minion. Too cute. I love those little dudes. |
"Happy Birthday to you..." |
Then we topped off our day of fun with some games in the arcade. The lady at the desk was super nice & gave us a few extra tokens to play. So the kids got to bring home some excellent prizes!
Such a great day!
Now I'm going to go put my head in the sand and pretend I do NOT have two kids in the double digits now. (Wahh!)
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