I know every mom looks back on every birthday their kids have & says "where did the time go?" But seriously! Where did the time go?!?! I feel like it was just last week that we were holding that tiny little baby girl in our arms, and now she's so big I can hardly carry her!
So her birthday was actually the 8th, but I had to work, like, constantly since then, so my apologies for the late post. But here's some highlights of her birthday fun!
First, daddy treated her to some pretty pink roses & a Tangled balloon for his little princess.
Cheese! |
Momma had to follow suit in her typical neurotic style & make a ridiculous cake for just the five of us... (well the four of them, because I can't eat it! lol) But she loved it anyway & that's all that matters! :) Since I can't have a big family party for her like I did for the boys at this age, it's the least I could do!
In case you didn't know, those are characters from her favorite show, the Bubble Guppies! |
While daddy was making her a special birthday dinner, we let her open her gifts from her Pa-Pa that came in the mail. Cinderella & a homemade Hello Kitty blanket! She was thrilled!
Poor girl had to stare at that package for two days! Like I've said before, I'm a mean mom! ;) |
Happy Birthday to You... |
"Hey Mom! When you cut the cake, I want to eat Molly's head!" lol Silly girl! ;) |
Then it was time for presents from Mom & Dad & "her" boys!
She's not spoiled at alllll.... :/ |
She had a couple of favorite gifts. Her big gift was her very own camera! She always wants to steal mine, & I never want to give it up because, well, she's little & breaks things. ;) So she got one she can go nuts with!
Well of *course* it's Hello Kitty! |
This little girl tells me she wants to be a "doctor for kids" when she grows up. Warms my heart! <3 So she got her very own baby doll complete with stethescope & syringe! I don't think she's put it down since she got it!
Giving baby her medicine. Too cute! |
And, it is also noteworthy what she decided to name this baby. The other day, I told her "love ya bunches!" and she was very confused. She said, "Mom, why did you call me Bunches?" I said, "no sweetie, that just means I love you a lot!" Well she still thought that was pretty funny & has been calling me Bunches ever since. Now, she says that's the name of her baby! rotfl! Love my silly girl!
Finally, one of the only things she actually asked for was some bubbles. Not an easy task in October, but daddy found some cute ones, & she took them out for a spin the next day.
Such pure happiness right here! :) |
Not necessarily an eventful day, but we had a very happy girl & we all enjoyed celebrating her!
Hopefully we'll be off to the pumpkin patch this afternoon, so I hope to have a post of Fall Vermont Fun really soon! Thanks to all of my faithful readers out there. I'm up to 5,000 hits this afternoon! Love you all! :)
I love how you two make your kids' birthdays so special, more parents should be like you! Happy birthday Natalie!! Love the pics :) And damn you can make and decorate a cake! Nice! love you and miss you xoxo