This place is so flippin' awesome. (Or wicked awesome as the locals would say! lol). How cool is it that with just an hour or two's drive, we can have so many options for such incredible experiences! I hope we never take for granted what a blessing that is.
So nearly every kid in elementary school goes to the zoo for a field trip at least once in their lifetime. Nothing new there. But for a Vermonter? Well that means just a quick jog up to CANADA! Seriously people! (Or am I the only one who thinks that's super cool? lol). Yesterday, Gavin's third grade class took their field trip to the Zoo de Granby in Quebec; just a short hour and a half drive from our home town. His teacher and principal were kind enough to let Mark out of class to allow our whole family to come along, (and a sweet co-worker was kind enough to switch shifts with me too so that I could attend. Thanks again Sarah! :)).
Gavin's Third Grade Class with Mrs.C (best teacher ever) |
So here's what you need to know about the providence of Quebec. They speak French. Almost exclusively. Much more so than any other area of Canada. And from what my friends tell me, they kinda look down on us American folks who expect them to know English. (I guess choosing Spanish for my language elective in high school was an epic fail. :/) But although the staff at the zoo spoke French first, they were all very nice & tried to take care of us English speaking Vermonters as best they could.
This sweet lady told us all about this owl. We did not, however, understand a word she said. |
I'll always be partial to the St. Louis Zoo. It's where I grew up, it has a ton of great exhibits (and let's be honest, it's free.) But I've gotta say that this zoo was pretty great. The kids had so much fun!
(Except they didn't have Red Pandas. :( Sorry Aunt Caroline! ;)) Aaaannddd... it was not only a zoo, but an amusement park & water park as well! Though we didn't have enough time to do the amusement park stuff this time, we did enjoy the zoo and got to play at the water park for a bit. :) Of course, I can't resist sharing a few pictures.
Gavin & his buddies Lucas & Carter (and Mark too! :)) |
Petting Sting Rays |
Feeding birds in the bird sanctuary |
Birds climbing ALL over Gavin! Funniest thing ever! (Except poor Lucas behind him. He was fortunate enough that one of the birds left a "present" in his hair! lol!) |
All the kids playing in the wave pool at the waterpark |
Natalie & I getting some waterpark fun too :) |
SUCH a fun day! We will definitely be back! Though we might brush up on a little French first lol ;).
Okay, I think that's it for all of our travels for a little while. Maine, Florida, Mexico, and Canada all in the span of about a month! Phew! I guess we better focus on actually fixing up our house now huh? Darn it. Guess it won't fix itself. ;) Back to the grindstone!
How cool! When I come, we'll def have to go there! I love me some zoos!