Okay, how cool is this!?! Part of the curriculum for school here in Vermont is to learn a winter sport. Amazing! So kiddos from Kindergarten thru 3rd grade do indoor stuff (Gavin is taking gymnastics & surprised himself by loving it!) and the kids fourth grade & up get to go to the mountain for some winter fun! They get the choice of skating, skiiing or snowboarding... one guess which one my little dude picked. ;)
So Monday was their first day. Matt, though he's never snowboarded a day in his life either, signed up to chaperone, so he got to go too. I on the other hand, had to stay at home and bite my nails for 6 hours until they were home safe & sound. But he did great! And they had a ton of fun!

Of course, true to form, Mark thought he needed to be perfect at it right off the bat & needed some reassurance that practice makes perfect. But I have a feeling he'll be teaching his momma some tricks in no time. ;) Three more Mondays my baby boy will be up on the mountain-top while his mom takes care of kids with severe head traumas from skiing accidents....... Think I'll have any nails left by February?? :S
wow, I'd be a terrified momma too! But how cool that that is part of a school thing?!