I've eluded before to the fact that it seems everyone in town is excited that we're rehabbing this house. It really does seem that everyone we speak to has just been waiting for someone to bring it back to life, so it seems that we're already loved around town! ;) But I guess we really didn't realize what a big deal it was until Friday, when just across the bridge a photographer from the local paper was covering the Veteran's Day ceremony. Instead of continuing to photograph that event, he stopped and came to talk to Matt! He took some pictures & was very interested in what we were doing. Weird. So Matt talked to him on the phone today: it looks like he's going to do a full article on us & this house! Crazy right? So we are going to meet with him on Monday. (I promise I'll share the article with you all when it's published!) The only problem is, there's all this pressure now to do this house just right because everyone's watching now!! lol :S But anyway, we've all been working hard. Especially Matt. He's almost literally working his fingers to the bone! Poor guy! :( But the good news is he finished the roof today! Woohoo!

He he! Even Natalie's been a big helper. :) (Don't worry. We'll keep the kids far far away whenever we go anywhere near touching the old paint. Promise!)
So my title was really in jest. Of course we're not really local celebrities. Just kinda interesting for the moment. But as it turns out, there really IS a local celebrity! I was grocery shopping today and ended up picking up a box of clementines at the same time as this guy who looked really familiar... like famous familiar. But I thought I was just imagining it. Surely he just looked like the guy in the movies... but nope! It really was him! His name is Luiz Guzeman, (I had to ask the checkout lady! he he!) and apparently he lives right in town! It's the guy who was in Boogie Nights, Anger Management, The Taking of Pelham, & the show Oz. Crazy right??? So I got all poparrazi-like and nonchalantly took his picture in the checkout line:

I know it's fuzzy. I suck at being nonchalant. But do you recognize him now? See! Totally cool! (okay, maybe it's just me that thinks it's totally cool. I'm easily amused. Just humor me okay? lol) But it seems like he's a pretty nice guy. He told me "Hi how ya doin'?" and he even bagged his own groceries. He must be a good guy, he lives in Vermont! ;)
how cool! Can't wait to see the article, and that guy is a great actor!