"Life loves to be taken by the lapel and told: 'I am with you kid. Let's go.'" - Maya Angelou

Thursday, September 6, 2012

Our Anniversary

So I was talking with my hubby the other day and he randomly asks, "So, are you going to blog about our anniversary?" LOL! I said no, I wasn't planning on it because I posted all of those pictures on Facebook. {insert Mathew's best hurt bunny look.} Well apparently he feels like I need more happy stuff on here that isn't clouded with "I wish this damn house wasn't taking so friggin long!" statements... So here ya go! :) If you saw all of my photos on Facebook and feel like you got a good enough idea, feel free to stop reading. You won't hurt my feelings. ;) Otherwise, I'm happy to fill you in on our fabulous day!

Love! <3
 Sunday, September 2nd, was our twelve year anniversary. (plus two years of dating makes 14 years together! Holy cow that's a long time). So on Saturday, Mathew decided to take me on an all-day date. I don't think we've ever done that!  We called up the kids' favorite babysitter Tim (would totally recommend boy babysitters btw. They rock!) and we headed out to Franconia Notch, NH for a nice hike. We got really lucky I've gotta say. We got in the car and pretty much just randomly picked a place nearby to go! But the trail we went on was absolutely beautiful.

(Seriously though, can any mountain around here not be??)  It was a loop: up to one lookout point, over to another, then back down. At the first lookout point, Bald Mountain I think it was called, we found a nice flat rock to sit and relax for a while and have a little picnic. This I knew about. What I did not know was that he brought caviar & mini bottles of wine!

Too sweet! Then we finished our hike in perfect time to head to a movie. We went to see Hit & Run, a movie we had no expectations of going in, but we actually really liked it! (and our movie theatre is super cheap so we couldn't lose. Just four bucks a ticket! It's okay. You can be jealous. lol)

Finally, we got lucky again where we chose to go for dinner. We went to a restaurant at our local ski resort and we hadn't been there before. Food was great, nice atmosphere, and plenty of gluten free for me! Yay! (though it is kinda weird looking out over a ski lift with green grass...)

So anyway, that, in a nutshell was our anniversary celebration. Especially compared to our anniversary last year (read: flat tire and damaged trailer on the side of the road in the Bronx!) we had a pretty spectacular day! LOL!

Seriously though, we've been through entirely too much stuff in our 14 years together.  So many of you have no idea.  The things I have shared with you all here over the past year are only the recent trials & tribulations we've had to overcome, and certainly not the worst.  We've been through more than most couples have needed to endure in their entire lives, and we're only in our thirties!  But I've gotta tell you, I'd do it all again in a heartbeat.  For every moment of heartache there has been a hundred moments of unbelievable joy.  Through all of the pain we've gone through, we've been blessed to experience love we never knew existed.  We are not at all blind to the fact that we are so incredibly lucky to have our soul mate to lean on, and we will never take each other for granted. We work hard at maintaining what we have through all of the good times & bad.  And we were so lucky to celebrate this year in this new place we call home.  A place that we hope continues to bless us with more happy memories over the next many dozen years to come!

1 comment:

  1. Congratulations and Happy (belated) Anniversary (well, I know I said it on FB but not on here ;) You two truly are an inspiration :)
