Monday, August 29, 2011
Time to Say Goodbye

Thursday, August 25, 2011
We're Selling Our Life Away
Monday, August 22, 2011
So Much to Do, So Little Time!
Monday, August 15, 2011
It's Official!
LMAO! Such a goofball! ;) Here's one of Natalie playing in the waves:
She LOOOOOOOVED the beach! It was adorable watching here play in the sand and play with her daddy in the water. The boys got pretty creative with the sandcastles after a couple of days. Here's their favorite:
We had so much fun!! After Myrtle Beach, we drove up the east coast & took our time heading to Vermont by making a couple of stops along the way. First we stopped in North Carolina & got to have a really nice dinner with my sister & her new husband. (Yay for gluten-free pizza! lol) It was so great to sit down with her for a while & catch up. Then we drove up & spent a day in Washington D.C. Yeah, the kids were tired, but we still trekked it all over town to get some nice pictures of some of the major monuments. Here's a picture of the kids outside the Lincoln Memorial:
Way cool!
So from there we headed up to Vermont... which pretty soon we can officially call HOME!! :D We closed on the house on Monday morning & couldn't wait to start cleaning it up a little. As we were outside, I'm telling you, it seemed like every. single. person. in the town came up to us to introduce themselves & see what we were doing. And every one of them was SO happy to see that we were "rescuing" this old house! It was so cute! A few even wanted to go inside & see because their curiosity over the house over the years got the better of them lol. It was pretty great to already feel embraced by the community. I hope we can do the house the justice it deserves!
Okay, so I promised I'd share pictures of the house once we closed & it was officially ours. Are you ready? Are you sure you're ready?
It's a big mess right now, are you sure????? Okay... here it is!
TA-DAAAA!! lol! Lovely isn't it? ;) Seriously though, it has SOOO much potential to be a beautiful house. It was built in 1861 and still has a lot of it's historic charm. It looks small, but it's actually over 2500 square feet with 5 bedrooms inside & 10+foot ceilings & everything. With A LOT of love it could be a great house!! So we're going to trade one great big project for another, but this one will be totally worth it. I can't wait to share with you all our journey of transforming this neglected building into a beautiful home! :)