It is perfectly acceptable to make a blog post about about the Fall & Halloween now, right? I mean, as long as the pumpkins are still out on the porch it still counts... despite the fact that they were covered in snow the other day... (Um, I should probably get on that! lol)
Anyway, even though it seems you Midwesterners out there are still enjoying the Fall colors, Fall has already come & gone for us here in Vermont. This has been our third Fall since moving up here, & yet again I feel like I missed it! On the beautiful days that are totally picture-worthy, I'm either working or busy running after the kids & catching up with life and the next thing I know the leaves are gone. :( But next year, I'm totally going to spend a day on a photo safari & capture Vermont beauty! I swear!! (I'm feeling some deja vu here. I'm pretty sure I said that last year... Yep. Yep I did. Fail. :/)
I think everyone recognizes that Vermont is well known for its gorgeous fantabulousness that is Fall in the Green Mountains. It's one of our biggest tourist attractions. (The locals call our visitors "Leaf Peepers." he he!) I mean seriously. There are times where it's knock-the-wind-outta you, leave-you-speechless kind of beautiful. Not even kidding. But even though sometimes I get lucky in the photo department, I'm not super great at it. It feels like one giant Pinterest fail lol! But I try! Here are the few pics I did manage to get:
This is my daily drive to & from work. Stunning. I get 60 miles of this! |
This is right next to our house. I'm standing on the bridge over the river to take this picture. |
The view from the kids' soccer field. Not bad at all! :) |
Now I'm learning some of the best spots to capture some great Vermont Fall pictures as I'm getting to know the area better & better. Next year. I swear! ;)
But we did have a fun October. First, Natalie had her first field trip! She got to go to a farm that had it all: petting zoo, pumpkin patch, apple picking, playground... so fun!
Are these kids adorable or what! |
On one weekend we took a trip to a local farm to go pumpkin picking (organic of course!). The boys always complain when I "force" them to go to the pumpkin patch (they are
way too cool for that sort of thing now...) but we always end up having tons of fun.
Such a pretty view for pumpkin picking! |
He really doesn't have coffee everywhere he goes. I swear! There's just a cute organic coffee & pastry shop in the front of the farm! |
Of course my boys see tiny pumpkins & think "lets chuck them at each other!" lol Oh boys! (No, they didn't really. ;)) |
My goofball. |
I got this, Mom! |
Mom & Dad ala Mark :) |
My sweet three... |
... then there's that... lol! |
Oh she's so stubborn! NO idea where she gets that from! Ha ha! |
Gavin has got to be the sweetest big brother |
Then of course we carved them. This year Natalie got all into it & could care less about the goopy messiness of it all!
That's my girl! :) |
Gavin... notsomuch. Ah well, they all did a good job!
A Natalie Original. |
Mark's I think was pretty hilarious. We've been watching reruns of "Heroes" on Netflix lately. Mark made his pumpkin into a Sylar victim! lmao!
Slit at the top with his "brains" spilling out. LOL! Love it! |
Ta-Da! |
On Halloween, I was supposed to get to go home half way through my work day & get to go Trick or Treating with them. Unfortunately, in the nursing world you can't always just pack up your desk & go home & just pick up where you left off tomorrow. I missed it. Super sad. But Dad did a good job picking up the slack. I won't speak about how stressed out he was by the time I got home though... ;). Natalie was Princess Sofia
Gavin was Sirius Black Prisoner of Azkaban,
Yep, I made that. Fun with old scrubs! |
And Mark? Well Mark *almost* didn't participate in Halloween. He thought he was too big to go trick or treating & wanted to stay home & hand out candy. (NO!!! I'm not ready for him to be that grown!) But thankfully at the last minute he thought this 20's Gangster costume was pretty cool, so he ran with it. Yay!
Sad I missed it all, but it sounds like they had a good time.
So now Fall is all but behind us. Winter will be here before we know it! Time to go dust off the skis! :)